Walking and Trekking Safaris
We understand that sitting inside a safari vehicle can lose it's appeal after awhile, no matter how spectacular the scenery. Africa is a place that is meant to be explored and that means getting out and walking around, meeting the people, and feeling the breeze on your face.
Many famous trekkers have walked in Tanzania. Dr. Hans Meyer from Germany was the first to scale the heights of Mt. Kilimanjaro to Uhuru peak in 1889. Dr. David Livingstone did the great trek from the shores of the Indian Ocean to the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Since then, many people have had a great time trekking around this beautiful land and so can you!
While it wouldn't be wise to walk near Lions or Buffalo, there are many areas that can be explored on foot. Many National Parks allow walking safaris if you go with an armed Park Ranger for safety.
Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Treks can take you walking around the fabulous Ngorongoro Highlands or the Maasai Steppe. We can take you up the highest mountain on the Continent or just walking around many beautiful mountain forests like the Usambara where you can see rare plants and animals.
You can go walking near rivers and lakes. You can visit Chimpanzees in Gombe stream or take a walking tour of a clove plantation on Zanzibar. You can walk for days or just for an afternoon. Let us know what you have in mind and we will be happy to arrange a custom trek, just for you.
For the more adventurous, we can arrange a camel trek or a balloon safari. There are all kinds of ways to see Tanzania. Sail the coastline or take a train trip across country. Since we are local tour operator, you are not limited to safari packages dreamed up by someone in far west. You are limited only by your imagination. Get in touch and let us help you design your own custom Tanzanian trek.